
January 01, 2015: IronMan

September 2014: Tony's BigBird

Saturday, August 16 Wichita Falls Wounded Warriors Fly-In Fund-raiser.

(02/16/14) Tony build a new "Long John" for Charlie.

(08/16/13) Curtis Boren's new plane.

(05/04/13) Pictures from Warbird Fly-in at Thunderbird Field, Benbook Lake (SW of Fort Worth).

(04/28/13) First flights of Robert Hunt and Al Foell built Gentle Lady with tow-release, dive brakes and Picolario vario:

(04/15/13) Breck Hale's new Cessena 188: picture #1 here and picture #2 here

(04/15/13) Robert Hunt's first flights with the Rascal 110: picture #1 here and picture #2

(04/11/13) Charlie Young's first flights with a Brandt Rowland built plane: picture #1 here and picture #2 here

(03/30/13) Greg's new plane.

(03/29/13) Tables installed and Tony, Joe, Robert, Scott, Greg

(03/22/13) Tables being welded into place at field by Tony, Joe, Robert, and Ken's welder

February 16, 2013: Gard Haug's Park Zone Visionaire and Spitfire (?).

February 16, 2013: Robert Hunt's new LT40e with 8 cell, 60 size electric conversion.

January 1, 2013: IronMan

December 18, 2012: Lee Bittiker's successful first flights of the eButterfly project with Al Foell.

October, 2012: New shed at Lake Wichita.


Greg's Wife made some good pictures at at the 2011 New Year's Day Iron Man.

Ray had several good days in December with his jet. This picture was taken on December 1.

November, 27. Really nice Saturday at the field.

George White died Sunday, June 20

Frank posted a couple of pictures from an Aero-tow near Wichita, KS, on August 20,21,22.

Greg Stevens' growing family of planes

February 20, 2010 - Al Foell's electric conversion of an LT-40 for a trainer.

New pictures from January 18: Tony's YAK and Ray's jet.

January 1, 2010 Iron Man at Lake Wichita

October 10, 2007 Pylon races at Lake Wichita

May, 2004 Pylon races at Lake Wichita