
Wichita Falls Weather: USAIRNET
Quick overview.

Wichita Falls Weather: NOAA
Best detail.

Unisys Current Streamlines Contour Plot
Hourly Surface wind maps.
Can be very useful when there is a forecast wind change.
(Watch what is happening between Quanah and WF.)
(08/29/16) Current and forecast. Link is to an web page, but also has an Android app.
(Be sure to convert wind speed from Knots to MPH in Settings).

Lawton Radio Control Club

AMA District 8

AMA District 8 Event Calendar [Click on each of the monthly Red Dots to see the event listings.]

AMA District 8 AVP Tony Breyen postings

AMA National

New: Amazing 9 year project to build a big twin turbine SR-71 that actually flys.
See the link to 11/10/2008 for a flight test.